Monday, November 5, 2007


It really is insane how quickly the time has flown since my last entry but I am definitely going to restart this blog the way that it should be handled. I do apologize to all those readers who come patiently to this site everyday hoping that it will be updated (to the 3 of you, thank you for your patience)....

Im only kidding but I do apologize for taking so much time to kick this back up. I have been bogged down by my own academic pursuits and extra-curricular endeavors but life is good and I have more time on my hands to handle this.

The one thing I want to mention is that I do plan on doing things a little differently in that I want this blog to be more informative in that I will throw topics of discussion and break it down (as if Im writing articles) with me occasionally analyzing a newsworthy moment so that we have a good spectrum of things. With that, let the revamping begin...

poll: do you think anyone would approve of changing the acronym of MAASU from Midwest Asian American Students Union to the Midwest Ajay Alexander Students Union?

yes? maybe? no?.....I would run it by the rest of ECC and the Board of Advisors though Im thinking this would probably result in losing all rights to running this blog and since I cannot do that to my fans (the aforementioned 3 people), I will hold off on this question for a later time...


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